viernes, 31 de julio de 2009
miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009
Barcelona és bona* (el restaurante)
lunes, 20 de julio de 2009
Voyage, voyage
viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
viernes, 10 de julio de 2009
It's a beautiful day

martes, 7 de julio de 2009
lunes, 6 de julio de 2009
Le premier jour du reste de ta vie

domingo, 5 de julio de 2009
El Diseñador y el Redactor

viernes, 3 de julio de 2009
Dumbo feather, pass it on
[...] The next morning, Dumbo and Timothy wake up in a tree. Timothy wonders how they got up in the tree, and concludes that Dumbo flew up there using his large ears as wings. With the help of a group of crows, Timothy is able to get Dumbo to fly again, using a psychological trick of a "magic feather" to boost his confidence.
Back at the circus, Dumbo must perform his stunt of jumping from a high building, this time from a much higher platform. On the way down, Dumbo loses the feather and Timothy tells him that the feather was never magical, and that he is still able to fly. Dumbo is able to pull out of the dive and flies around the circus. After this performance, Dumbo becomes a media sensation, Timothy becomes his manager, and Dumbo and Mrs. Jumbo are given a private car on the circus train.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009
In the closet