viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

Dumbo feather, pass it on

Desde hace unas semanas tengo por fin en mi poder el libro We make magazines, tributo a las revistas independientesY primer hallazgo: Dumbo feather, pass it on. Me encanta el concepto de este libro-revista y, sobre todo, la historia de la editora (extracto del libro anteriormente mencionado):

Once upon a time, on a wintery, stormy night in Sydney, Kate Bezar walked into a newsagent wanting to buy a magazine to read. She walked round the shop picking mags up and putting them down again. She didn't want to devour gossip, nor perve at pictures of fashion shoots or amazing homes, nor be depressed by the news. Kate realised that she wanted to read about the designer rather than the object, the artist rather than the artwork, the entrepreneur rather than the busines. She wanted to know how people who were passionate about what they did had figured out what that was and pursued it. She was a little bit lost. She'd quit her high-flying corporate career a couple of years earlier because she knew it wasn't what she wanted her life to be about it, and dabbled in everything from architecture to painting to yacht design... but nothing felt quite right.

In the newsagent that night, she decided that there must be other people out there like her, people who wanted a different kind of magazine, and that she'd make one for them. It would feature in-depth interviews with fascinating individuals, people who'd taken the road less trampled, with creativity guts and integrity.

Me caes bien Kate Bezar.

Y pensar además que, aunque sea demasiado romántico y pasteloso, no deja de ser hermoso que el nombre probablemente venga de aquí: 

[...] The next morning, Dumbo and Timothy wake up in a tree. Timothy wonders how they got up in the tree, and concludes that Dumbo flew up there using his large ears as wings. With the help of a group of crows, Timothy is able to get Dumbo to fly again, using a psychological trick of a "magic feather" to boost his confidence.

Back at the circus, Dumbo must perform his stunt of jumping from a high building, this time from a much higher platform. On the way down, Dumbo loses the feather and Timothy tells him that the feather was never magical, and that he is still able to fly. Dumbo is able to pull out of the dive and flies around the circus. After this performance, Dumbo becomes a media sensation, Timothy becomes his manager, and Dumbo and Mrs. Jumbo are given a private car on the circus train.

 Pues eso, pásalo.

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